AL-BA HRD Sh.p.k

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AL-BA HRD Sh.p.k.

AL-BA HRD Sh.p.k. based in Tirana (Albania) is a Human Resources Development and Recruitment Services provider.

AL-BA HRD Sh.p.k. based in Tirana (Albania), is a Human Resources Development and Recruitment Services provider company that provides professional services to companies in need of qualified and unskilled personnel in the sectors of textile, procurement and construction, transport and logistics, tourism, hotel and catering, agriculture, and information technology.

AL-BA HRD Sh.p.k promotes internationalization between Albania-Bangladesh – Italy and Europe, acting as a contact and offering constant support. It offers personnel outsourcing solutions in Albania and Italy, remote production process outsourcing, outstaffing and cost reduction for commercial and manufacturing companies.

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albania address


Office : Tiranë, Bulevardi “Gjergj Fishta” pll E88, kati 2, shkalla 2.

Albania Tel : +355 69 272 4119


Albania Tel : +355 69 272 4119

Italy Tel: +39 327 4953442

Bangladeshi Tel:  +88 0189 4619151